EVENT \ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて/ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん「歌い手フェスvol.1」参加募集中🎤 EVENT 参加賞追加❣『PUBG:BATTLEGROUNDS』× ツイキャスEsports ゲーム大会


01:28 > 31
  • レベル 8
  • サポーター 5
I'm a 16 year old teenage girl that deals with drama all day everyday. People say to ignore it, but I can't. I've tried trust me. But when I'm with my friends and I'm in a good mood, well, you would think I'm on something. Haha. My friends are like my family, if you hurt them or talk crap about them, then its like you are doing the same thing to me. But let's just say, you don't want to mess with me or my friends/family.